Privacy Policy (last updated 15-Feb-2021)

Contact Information:

Hallencott Limited

Company number 6428032. Registered in England and Wales

Registered Address: WoodlandsGrange, Woodlands Lane, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 4JY

The type of personal information we collect:

The information we process is generally restricted to your business or work contact information. On occasion we may hold personal contact information if this was included as an appropriate means of contact during business discussions.

Account information is only held if it has been received in an invoice or other payment request.

How do we get information?

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:

Sometimes, we may get information indirectly for one of the following reasons:

How do we use information?

The information is used for ongoing business consultancy activities we are involved in on behalf of your business, or to follow up business opportunities that have been advertised to us.

Sharing your information

We will not share your information with third parties for the purposes of direct marketing. We will share your information in the following circumstances

Your rights to complain

Under data protection law, you have rights we need to make you aware of. The rights available to you depend on our reason for processing your information. You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information. This right always applies. There are some exemptions, which means you may not always receive all the information we process.

You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

This only applies to information you have given us. You have the right to ask that we transfer the information you gave us from one organisation to another, or give it to you. The right only applies if we are processing information based on your consent or under, or in talks about entering into a contract and the processing is automated.

Hallencott Limited. Company number 6428032. Registered in England and Wales